Monday, October 12, 2009

How Many Kids? AKA Total Chaos?

At the start of school, our kindergarten class was 23 kids. I think. The snack list requested 25 snacks. At our introductory tour (new parent hazing), they informed us that 25 was the most possible by state law-- if all 3 classes had 25, they'd add a new section. Maybe. Something like that.

This month, the snack list said 24. They lost a student? Someone transferred? Teacher no longer needs a snack? Whatever. 24 it is.

Then tonight at dinner, my son started talking about the new letter experts-- pairs. The Monday Mail had warned us of letter pairs, so I was expecting SHHHHH. But then he dropped it: "We have more kids in our class than letters!"

Well, I'm pretty sure that is a miscalculation of some kind. But still. How many kids are really in that class?

1 comment:

  1. When our class sizes get larger than I like them and parents begin to complain I always encourage parents to call Central Office. Parent complaints are heard more than teacher complaints.
