Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again..."

"Is that true, Mom?" asked my son when that song was on the radio a couple of days ago.

"Ask me in a couple of weeks and I'll let you know," was my response.

What is it that makes kids so excited to get out of school for two weeks. Correct that, kindergartners. I mean, it's not like kindergarten isn't big fun time, and my son tells everyone how much he loves it. So why the rush to be out of school? Do they read it from the teachers' faces or the kids who have big brothers and sisters? Why the rush?

It seems like they are out an eternity from school these days. Not just the 23rd or 24th, but the whole week before and after Christmas. It's enough time to enjoy time with family AND friends. I feel a little relieved myself. That is, until my kids start fighting.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Snow days

I learned some valuable lessons during our first official snow day:

1) That phone tree is so helpful and friendly, but very, very early in the morning. It’s like a snooze alarm that goes off 2 hours before you really want to get up on your newly-declared day off.

2) The term “snow day” is somewhat confusing for kindergarteners, particularly with no snow on the ground.

3) Snow days come with built-in parenting expectations of fun and fabulousness that are difficult to live up to. Days off are supposed to be filled with special, snow-day awesomeness involving complicated crafts, cookie-making, or fort-building. It has to be more than just your average Saturday—moms are required to bring the fun home, without a trip to Target. Tough.

4) I’m not sure how it is for SAHMs, but for this part-time mom, a whole day off with kids, with crafts, is rather exhausting. It’s much easier and more restful to just go to the office.

5) A full day of togetherness for 3 people who do not normally spend that much time together in the home results in a roller-coaster emotional effect. The transition between “wow mommy! This is the best day ever!” to a tattle-telling whinefest is very quick and leaves the rider a bit dizzy. The injury report list is a long one.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Class gift

It's Christmastime. They can't call it that at school, but they can paint pictures of santa and take a two week "holiday" but just not talk about Christmas. Fine. But should we still have to give the teacher a christmas gift? Of course. Naturally, I want to do something nice with the person who spends the most time with my child. So, I'd already planned a gift. Nothing big, but a token of my appreciation.

Last week I got an email from one of our two class moms. She wants to give everyone the opportunity to go in on a class gift, which sounds quite nice. The card will include all children, regardless of whether we pitched in.

So, here's the question: should we particpate in the class gift or a personal gift? If we do one, does it really remove the need to do both, or will that be expected anyway? If my gift is less exciting than the class gift, will my child be shunned by the teacher and be forced to learn from the hallway? Help.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Nickels and dimes

Do any of you grade school moms feel nickel-and-dimed to death this time of year? Maybe it's not just seasonal, maybe it's a regular thing. But it seems like every time I turn around, there is another fundraiser, classroom supply purchase, t-shirt, picture something that I am supposed to support. In the last two weeks, we'd been asked for 18 eggs, 12 juice boxes, 24 fruit snacks, holiday magnets from the school pictures, $5 for a school dance fundraiser, and that might be it. Doesn't that seem a lot for one child? I thought so.

It's not that I don't want to help, or be financially supportive of classroom activities, but I do wish that they could do all of this up front. Send home a note that says, "I know you want to support your child's learning experience this year. Your contributions help us supplement our school funds with supplies for additional activities. Instead of my asking for $5 every other week, I'm asking that you pledge an amount up front to help with activities: $5/month, $50/year, or the "Other/I don't want my kid to have fun or learn" box.

I know this is not getting better, it will only get worse. I just wonder if there isn't a better way?