Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Class gift

It's Christmastime. They can't call it that at school, but they can paint pictures of santa and take a two week "holiday" but just not talk about Christmas. Fine. But should we still have to give the teacher a christmas gift? Of course. Naturally, I want to do something nice with the person who spends the most time with my child. So, I'd already planned a gift. Nothing big, but a token of my appreciation.

Last week I got an email from one of our two class moms. She wants to give everyone the opportunity to go in on a class gift, which sounds quite nice. The card will include all children, regardless of whether we pitched in.

So, here's the question: should we particpate in the class gift or a personal gift? If we do one, does it really remove the need to do both, or will that be expected anyway? If my gift is less exciting than the class gift, will my child be shunned by the teacher and be forced to learn from the hallway? Help.

1 comment:

  1. From a teachers perspective we always appreciate everything our families decide to give us. We know families don't have to give us gifts and it is always a nice surprise to receive a gift from our students. I have never had a class who decided to go in and give me a class gift, but I wish that they would because I can only have so many candles and lotions. (Even though I do really appreciate them.) I have a friend whose son's class did this in a private school in New Orleans and they put money towards the class gift but most families didn't, they bought their own gifts and when her son didn't show up with his own gift they looked like they didn't appreciate the teacher. With all of that being said I guess I would go ahead and give the gift you bought for his teacher and maybe contribute $5 to the class gift. I hope this helps.
