Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The feathers in my cap

Last week, we had another case of preschool craft/kindergarten craft syndrome, where my kids who are 3 years apart did the same craft on the same day. Whatever. You can never have too many indian headdresses at Thanksgiving, that's for sure.

But my son's came with the added instruction that the kids in his class get feathers for being good. What defines being good, I ask? "Well, you can get in trouble one time," he says, "but not two times." Okay. So each day he gives me a feather report.

The first day, feather.
Second day, no feather-- there was some feather crisis where the feathers were subquality (read: not from Ralph Lauren or something), and so no one got feathers
Third day, no feather. Yesterday the story was that he wasn't sure who got feathers or why, but he thought his teacher didn't see him doing good things, which of course he did.

So, of course, I'm thinking about asking the teacher to define the qualifications for feathering, so that I know what it means when he gets and doesn't get a feather. I think this definitely qualifies as micro-managing my child's education, don't you?


  1. I don't think that is fair! The teacher wouldn't want the principal giving her feathers or not giving her feathers if she's doing something the principal doesn't like.

  2. Really? I hadn't thought of it that way. I haven't contacted her, but am thinking about emailing her about a reading question anyway, so maybe I'll ask for clarfication.
