Monday, November 2, 2009

The Real Housewives of Elementary School

Last Friday was party day. We had a true Halloween party, whereas a lot of schools just have a "fall party." I wonder why it's okay to have Halloween at some and not others, and I also wonder why Halloween is still given a name, when Christmas/Kwanzaa/Hanukkah is not. Whatever. Pagan holidays about bloodshed, okay. Religious holidays about warm fuzzy stuff, not.

What an experience. I signed up to help with the party, as any good part-time working mother would do. What I did not expect was the pretentiousness that invaded the school for this relatively simple party. Each classroom in the same grade level has the same party, so no one will feel bad about having a better or worse party than the other kids. The mummy game is okay, but we can't let the kids wrap each other because someone will feel left out. Every mom who wants to help can, even though there are 15 moms in a class of 24.

And many of the moms? Let's just say that, though I've never seen the Real Housewives series, I am pretty sure we have some moms who are auditioning. $300 designer jeans, Burberry shopping bags with costumes, designer t-shirts were the norm. Not the exception, the norm. I always pick something that I think looks good, yet is highly washable for unknown kiddie chaos. Apparently that is the wrong thought process. Looks are more important. It's all about me, not the kids. My agenda, my schedule, my looks, my reputation. Including what costume my kids are wearing. All about me.

Wow, what a disappointment. Is this just my school? The "elite" grade school? I mean, we are still in public school, aren't we? When we had leftover toilet paper from games (lots of it!), they were trying to figure out what to do with it. I suggested giving it to the local battered women's shelter or social services and the room mom looked at me like "What in the world is that?" A friend said that I have an educational opporutnity in front of me. It's going to be a long 9 years in this school, is all I'm saying.

Do any of you have these women at your school? What's the deal? Comment!

1 comment:

  1. well, i have to say, if i could afford $300 jeans, i would so totally wear them everywhere. every day. all the time. but, fancy jeans aside, i know exactly what you're talking about. i have witnessed it, and am ashamed to say, have felt compelled to participate in it to some degree myself. where else does a stay-at-home mom have to show off?? but, never at the expense of my kid or their school experience. i mean, i dressed up as a bunny for G's halloween party, for goodness sakes. face paint and all. but, i did wear cute jeans with it...
